The 2-in-1-Jelly Bean and Chocolate Fondue Machine Yupot InnovaGoods is the perfect machine for making delicious jelly beans and chocolates, as well as serving up a scrumptious chocolate fondue for the whole family. With its multifunctional design and vibrant colors, this machine is sure to delight both kids and adults alike.
Using natural ingredients such as fruit juices and chocolates, you can easily make healthy and delicious treats right at home. The central electric container, along with the removable bowl and handles, makes it easy to heat up your desired contents without any risk of burning yourself. Plus, with 4 different-shaped silicone moulds that can make up to 32 jelly beans and chocolates, you can get creative with fun shapes and designs.
The machine also comes with a circular tray that can be dismantled and divided into 4 parts, with 3 compartments each, making it perfect for serving up fruit, biscuits, sweets, and more to accompany the delightful chocolate fondue. And with its compact and easy-to-transport design, you can take the 2-in-1-Jelly Bean and Chocolate Fondue Machine Yupot InnovaGoods with you wherever you go!
Какие ингредиенты могут использоваться для приготовления желе и шоколадных конфет в этой машине?
Рекомендуем использовать натуральные ингредиенты (фруктовые соки, желе, шоколад и т. д.).
Czy ta maszyna do gotowania fondue jest łatwa w użyciu?
Model ten jest bardzo łatwy w użyciu. Nawet dziecko może zrobić cukierki pod nadzorem osoby dorosłej.
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